01 August 2007

Long Days not Long Enough Nights

I did not want to get up this morning. The good thing is that when I am teaching I don't feel tired. Once I get home though, I am pulled down into the depths of the covers and a three hour nap. At least that is what happened today.

First day of reading groups. Having that new batch of kids come in was so much easier than the first day of school. I knew what to do and say to get them to pay attention and practice our routines. My favorite line from today was when we were practicing this silly little "what word" signal thing that we have to use with the program and these boys kept messing it up and laughing and I said..."All this laughing is starting to sound like us practicing this during your recess." I showed them.

Math went well today. I'm still not satisfied. I think I am going to try teaching the fifth grade lesson first thing tomorrow. So we would check homework, go straight to the lesson, and then they would have time to do their fact test, block problems, and problem set while I did the fourth grade lesson. Then while the fourth graders did their guided practice, I could check in with the fifth grade kids...I don't know. There isn't a good way. It is stupid to have a classroom like this! I feel like, until I find this balance or whatever, I am just wasting their time.

I made some changes to the seating chart today. We'll see if it helps. I want to be more firm about keeping things off of the desks and fiddling around in the desks. I don't know why they feel like they need to have all of their things out at once but some of them do. It is strange.

Until next time..

Miss. Bee

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