06 August 2007

"I will learn the rules and stick to them!"

Today we had to write sentences. Eight of them, about how to be better kids and not talk in line and during school. They just lost it right after music with only 45 minutes left in the day. I find it funny that the kids that talk the most had the hardest time doing this. I wonder if it had something to do with standing outside of music for ten minutes waiting for her to finish with one class and start our period. Certain faculty members get on EVERYONE's nerves, try to be involved in everyone's business, and never, ever take a hint. They just keep on keeping on. Music is one of those faculty members..

My kids are funny. On Friday they confused the peace sign for the vegetarian sign and told me that "nothing on Earth could exist with out ying and yang." They also bring their homework back most of the time, walk in a good line most of the time, and refuse to do any writing at all, most of the time.

We are reading Esperanza Rising and it is one of the most wonderful books written for their age group. I know I am going to cry at certain parts. Especially because I think my kids will relate to so much of it. They know more than I do about being a poor Mexican immigrant trying to get ahead in the US. I just love reading to an attentive audience and they seem really into the book and we are only 30 pages in.

This week seems to be off to a good start. Math went well today, we are going to start vocabulary tomorrow, I have cafeteria duty so I get to see my old students and my friend Mrs. McNamara. There is also parent night to look forward to on Thursday. I want to send out a personalized letter to my students' families. I am also bribing my kids with homework passes if they get their parents to come. It can't hurt.

Miss Bee

1 comment:

Beth said...

i bet you are an amazing teacher, ms bee!!! congratulations on getting through the week!