07 August 2007

Planning periods make all the difference in the world for this first year teacher..

It is 5:50 and I am comfortable not doing anymore work for tomorrow!!!! Cause for celebration? I say, YES!

Today was an interesting day. To start off, I wanted my class to look up definitions to words from our read aloud book, Esperanza Rising. Since we don't have a class set of dictionaries, I had this brilliant idea to make overheads of the dictionary pages and have them look them up that way. Disastrous. Way to small to read, plus, the language was really difficult for my kids. In the future, I will probably just have the definitions available and have the kids copy them. I really wanted them to develop dictionary skills though.

Math has been going better. Today I just ran out of time to finish the fourth grade lesson. I guess we got through the lesson, just not the "guided practice" page. I will be interested to see how their homework goes. I want to bring a few kids in for some quick tutoring about calculating the date. It is interesting how hard this is for a few of kids. But we have a test on Friday and I want them to do great.

Tomorrow we are going to write letters of condolences (one of our vocabulary words!) to Esperanza. We are also doing some science and going to the library. The library is a situation at our school. The li-bear-ian is really something special. She is so monotonous and desperate all of the time and she insists on reading to the kids which they obviously hate and refuse to sit still for. And she ALWAYS wants to just chat. She will call me, during class, to chat! Today she called me to ask me if I wanted some old calender of hers.
"No Suzanne, I don't want your calender." I want you to leave me alone so I can get back to my job."
The phone is so disruptive but I guess if you hate your job like her you probably want to be disrupted.

Oh, my reading group is so BAD! They are the kids who do not read well because they mess around constantly and miss out on all of the learning that goes on in school. Four of them had lunch detention today, much to their surprise. I don't understand why they are surprised by receiving a punishment for bad behavior. They are the ones that cannot get themselves together enough to even learn to read by fifth grade. They should be well acquainted with the various consequences for breaking rules.

I'll be seeing you during your recess today...
Miss Bee

1 comment:

Alex Vittal said...

Leslie, that sounds pretty amazing all the various challenges and dealing with the idiot li-bear-ian. Maybe when this is all over, you can write a kids book about an evil li-bear-ian who is trying to take over the school library, but all the kids really want to read the books, so they devise a plan to get in, trick and then trap the li-bear-ian, read her a part of a book that turns her around and makes her the nicest, most kid friendly librarian ever! I don't know, she just sounds like a natural villain from here. Good luck!