08 August 2007

Say "I Can!"

Today I kept reminding myself that I have the best job in the world...sometimes it doesn't seem that way. I just didn't feel like a good teacher today. The good thing is, tomorrow is another day and a perfect chance to be better than I was today. And it is a good reminder to reflect and honestly learn from the mistakes that I have made. It really is time to snap out of what Harry Wong calls the "fantasy" stage and admit that I am trying to survive my first year of this job. What kills me about it is that my survival instinct to make it as simplistic and easy on myself as possible, may have a somewhat negative effect on the kids in my class. On the other hand, being unreasonable in my expectations and not finding a discipline plan that works is not really all that positive. And I have seen that admitting my mistakes and trying different strategies in the math has been effective and things are moving along in that department. Thank god.

So, tomorrow Miss Bee's reading group will be starting a new behavior plan. The first strike is your name is on the board. This may happen as soon as you come in the door without your homework. The next strike is a check and a lunch detention. The third strike is a check and a trip to the office. I also want to involve parents more. That first call home is intense but it only works in your favor. No surprises at parent-teacher conferences. I want them to know what is going on.

This weekend I want to really think about Esperanza Rising, what standards I can hit with it, what activities we can do, how to structure it. It should really be that hard; I have all of the tools I need in my books from school and the internet. It is just going to take some time. Having a literature unit makes sense to me. Using literature to teach and not just reading some old book aloud is the only way to go. Now I need to do it.

Social Studies, anyone? It is so boring! But I also need to go through that book and plan something. No matter how hard it is. I also need to ask someone about having fourth grade books and if I need them or if I should just teach from the fifth grade.

Tomorrow is Parent Night (professional dress please).

Miss Bee


KB said...

Hey Lez;

Dad here on Mom's gmail. just got back from fair....Nat got blues in everything she did!!!!!!!!!!!!Caught up on your blogs, read three tonight. Been very busy three days for all of us. Anyway as always love to read about your life as a teacher. Can't help but admire the maturity and professionalism you demonstrate. Hasn't been that long ago you were in 5th grade in my mind. Good job on recognizing areas you can work on and most importantly it is ok to need to improve. The people who suck at their jobs never seem to get that, so good for you to get it. Anyway....love you as always. Talk to you soon!


Unknown said...

Ms Bee
Yeah, time to start doing something with Maniac MaGee!
Today I felt like quitting and really excited about teaching.
I bought you a book.