09 August 2007

Meet the Teacher (yes, that would be me)

Tonight they came to meet me, the teacher. A little surreal. I can't believe these people turn to me, maestra, as some kind of authority on something. On their children! It was fun though. I talked to a parent about a homework issue, saw how kids resemble their parents, connected with the parent of a student with a learning disability and got a lot of work done for next week waiting for the damn thing to start. The low point was that we had to stand up on stage and be introduced. Everyone else was recognized with their grade level team but since I am in my own world I had to stand up alone.

Reading group was great today. I hope it continues. I had a talk with them right away about the rules and told them straight up that if they didn't learn how to read they were going to be in big trouble. It seemed to convince them, at least for one day. I am going to have to have them do the independent work in a specific order from now on and I have to check one of them before they move on to the next. This worked wonders today and so many kids got so much more work done. And they were quiet. Tomorrow I am going to remind them of our new system and hope for the best. Monday we start The Wizard of Oz!

OH, today I did a short "reader's theater" from Esperanza. So cool!!!!!! First we read it as a whole class. Then one group of kids got up to act it out and they did a wonderful job. Some of them got in to it and a few kids that are usually so shy to participate got up to try it. We did it a second time so more kids could have a turn. Then we did a quick beginning middle end activity. That is a hard skill but I think physically acting it out and watching other kids do it made a big difference. I loved it and I wish I had my camera!

Our first math test is tomorrow. I am kind of nervous. There are a few skills I feel like the fourth graders and not that great at. Hopefully it will be ok...

The wonders of wait time..I didn't even realize how much I use it until Mr. Weave mentioned it. In math, when I ask a question, I remind everyone to look for the answer, everyone to try to find the sets of ten, or whatever we are doing. And I LOVE seeing every hand go up. It is the most amazing thing.

Ok, that is all for now.
Ms. Bee

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