14 July 2007

Exciting News from the Curriculum

I was looking over the reading book tonight and what book did I find...The Wizard of Oz! I can't believe I get to read it with my class and teach with it. The program is almost exactly the same as what the first graders use just more advanced. There are lots of word lists to make word walls. Since the program is so scripted I think it would be interesting to spice things up by letting a student lead on Fridays (once they get the program down of course).

The science curriculum, which doesn't look like it has ever been used by the way, is the exact same set-up as the first grade. I guess Griffith just doesn't do science that much because it isn't an area that is tested. But obviously I am going to to it as much as I can because it is FUN. It can't be that hard to make time for a little experiment here and there. It also has these assessments at the end of each section and I think it would be fun to do them as games. The only challenge will be that I have two science curriculums to use. But it will be interesting to take things from both and intertwine them so that both grade levels meet their standards.

Tomorrow I am buying glue sticks and making the map and letters for the door!

Miss B


KB said...

Lez, You are amazing. your students are so lucky.

Do you want to make a wizard of oz corner in your classroom with the dress, toto and the rubies?

Unknown said...

Oh Lez Im soo proud of you.

Unknown said...

Miss B,
Today I started reading my Harcout book. One of the stories is "Pepita Talks Twice"! Have you read it? I got a rush reading it and thinking of all my bilingual kids!!!