18 January 2010

Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum

As I was typing the title of this post I was thinking, "WOW! I can't believe I really, truly have a little girl dog named Chrysanthemum." But it is true. Mr. S. and I are the luckiest dog parents in the world because she is absolutely perfect. And precious and priceless and fascinating and winsome.

Chrysanthemum or The Girl or Ms. Mum or Chrys is so much fun. Here are my favorite things about her so far...

When we walk with her I can't help but look in the windows of the apartments we pass and admire our little family. Her legs move so fast to keep up with us. Most of the time we walk her without a leash but she is getting pretty good at walking with the leash too. She knows right where our apartment is and likes to run the last little bit.

It is also fun to play with her mini-tennis ball with her. She gets going so fast on our wood floor and her little feet just slide out from under her. And she brings it back everytime!

I love when she sleeps with her tummy up.

I really love when she chews on the right things and not the wrong things.

She already knows how come when she is called and she comes right to between my feet.

When she gets scared she comes and stands by us.

I love how when she is crying in her crate at night I can comfort her with my iPhone light and my voice.

I am so excited to get my puppy training book and start working on things. We are going to have so much fun!

This list could go on and on but the thing that I love the most about Chrysanthemum is that she loves us and wants to be right by us all the time. When we are in the kitchen she is there. When we sit on the couch she is right there wanting to get up on the couch - we make her sit first. When I go into the bathroom she follows me there. When she hears Bret's voice when he is still in bed she goes and checks on him. She just loves to be right by us all the time and it is so sweet. Just today we went to the park and played and played and she passed out exhausted on her orange blanket when we got back. When Mr. S and I went to sit on the couch she was still sleeping, but a few minutes later, she woke up and came over to get up by us.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is absolutely adorable and you two make great puppy parents!!! Obviously she is very very loved, can't wait to see and hold her!!