12 May 2008

The Teacher on the bus goes cra-a-zy...

Today we did a bus evacuation drill that involved, through some brilliant organizational skills, my class sitting in a unairconditioned bus for 30 minutes while we waited for a second class to join us. We were all squished in the back; three to a seat. I just pretended I wasn't aware of my class while they went berserk. And then, when it came time to actually hear the bus safety information, they didn't listen because they had spent so much time sitting there already. It was a fun way to kick of the week anyway...

So as some people who read this blog may know, Balsz teachers are currently frozen on the salary scale which means that we aren't getting a raise for coming back next year. On top of our salary we get money from Arizona sales tax called 301 money. The point of the money is to increase teacher salaries, reward high performing teachers, etc. So, of course, since this was passed 8 years ago, they want to start reducing the amount of 301 money that is given out. Tomorrow night there is a board meeting to discuss this decrease and hopefully the result is that we won't be getting a pay CUT next year.

Oh this was perfect today. I taught a lesson on why the moon seems to change and we made a little wheel they could use to figure out what kind of moon was out each night. One of the things we talked about was how you can see the new quarter moon when it is daylight and when we left the classroom to go home...what did we see!! THE NEW QUARTER MOON! It was great how all of the kids consulted their little wheel and then could actually read it and they did it all in front of the moms that sit there every day.

Remember...it really pays to be an educator. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Miss Bee

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