07 November 2007

I spy with my little eye...a child that has no idea how to play this game

So I taught my class a new version of this game where you say I spy something that ends with the sound /d/ instead of a color. I thought it would be a fun way to practice end sounds that are for quite difficult for them. So we played yesterday and today and they were good at it so I had one of them come up to lead. Well, Saul spied something that ended with the sound /d/ and the kids guessed and guessed until finally I asked him to just tell us and he goes "I don't know." Nice.

Things that are working-
Having one of the kids come to the front and dismiss the kids to line up or get their backpacks.
Playing this game with the sight words where they sit in two lines and the kids at the front of the line race to say the word correctly first.
My reading groups! Wow, some kids are really making some wonderful progress.
Reading the basal story went well this week. I had them sit at their desks and was really clear about what I wanted them to get out of the reading. Today we "re-read for fluency" and made some character charts and it was a success.

***Profanity beyond this line***
Some of the kids have been using that age old line "your not my friend anymore." So I did a little lesson on friendship and how to be a good friend. To start it we made a list of smiley face things and unhappy face things. On the unhappy face side we had quite the discussion about swear words and mean names and the kids really debated which finger was indeed the middle finger. Then when I thought we had moved on, one kid raises his hand and suggests that we should not call our friends motherfuckers. Whoa......that was a good one. I tried to play it down and say yes, Efrain, you are right we should absolutely never say those words in class...anway, the lesson ended well. I played some music and when it stopped the kids found a partner and gave each other compliments. So cute.

I love having Bret sub at Balsz!!!!

Miss Bee

1 comment:

KB said...

some of my best friends are MFers! How can you keep a straight face on that. What a cute group. After being there I can picture them and their innocence in doing these things Again as I have said before, they are lucky to have you!!!!! Talk to you soon.....love......leaf rake this week end! Dad on Mom's email...