23 October 2007

New Dismissal Procedure

Today I tried doing a read aloud activity-reading a story and then having a response time-right before dismissal. It was a success. From the floor I had each row get up, get their folders, and line-up. Then, when they were all lined up, I let them out the door. It was better than usual.

Starting tomorrow, students that lose more than three points in the morning or afternoon are serving time during their recess. And they are getting a note sent home.

And that is that.
Miss Bee
PS what should I be for Halloween? All of the teachers have to dress up.


KB said...

Oh Wow, you have to be Dorothy!

Unknown said...

I like Dorothy as well......

Miss Bee said...

I didn't even think about Dorothy. I have had my eye on those red sparkly kids shoes at Target..

Unknown said...

Get them.....rent Toto....(Mickey?)