04 September 2007

A Student a Day, for the last three days

First there was Bryshaun, then today came Za'Juan, tomorrow we will meet Jonathan. My class is being over run by boys. And I just read an article about how boys ruin education for girls.

Things have been going well. The three day weekend didn't mean that I awoke fresh and ready for the four day week, but, today was a good day. The kids were chatty but they did a great job silent reading with their new book bags. I took gallon freezer bags and based on reading scores put 5-7 books into each bag. It was so much better than having kids sort through book baskets and try to find a book they can read so to everyone who said book baskets were the way to go, I appreciate that piece of terrible advice.

I introduced the ck letter combination to great success. I did a word building thin first as a whole class and then the kids did it individually with little letters. Then all during silent reading they were raising their hands and showing me the words with ck and reading them! It was awesome. Last week I really drilled the kids with the word wall words. We did a different activity to enforce them each morning. Usually something fun and interactive accompanied with something a little more direct. And wow, it worked. They can find and read those words! They love to point them out and I love it.

It frustrates me that I keep getting new students. It is a big challenge.

Balsz plays Griffith tomorrow at Balsz. I think I am going to wear red...

Miss Bee

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