21 August 2007

First Grade puts you in First Place

Today was wonderful. I enjoy spending my day with first graders. And the time FLIES!

I was a little nervous about how the kids would be feeling about leaving their teachers but most of them were really excited about our new class and I think we got off to a good start. There was one little crier right at the beginning but she warmed up quickly. They all love trying to say Ms. Barnhizer and spelling it was quite the adventure this morning. I let them guess for a little bit first.

I loved it when Florentino told me I looked so "handsome" in my sunglasses. And it was amazing when Erick could not contain his excitement about the fairy story I modeled at the beginning of writer's workshop. Abril told a fantastic story about buying alligators that would find thieves "yummy" and Alexus wrote a good one about the sandman battling spiderman. The whole class thought the phrase "no whining when the sun is shining" was hilarious. I hope it doesn't make them whine more.

Still a little confused about what I want to do for reading but I am uncomfortable using just the basal reader. Tomorrow and Thursday I want to hear every little reader read and do some planning Friday and over the weekend. I have some fun ideas for math and a great idea about being whole class pen pals with Mary's class. By that I mean, we would compose the letters as a class.

Tomorrow is a big day. We are doing addition!!!!!!

Ms. Bee


Unknown said...

i am so happy that the new class is working out. do any of the kids have crazy names?

KB said...

Hey Teach!

My first grade teacher was named Mrs. Bearl. She was an old woman who was large sized. So you are quite the opposite. I remember watching the first manned space flight sitting in that class. Hearing about your first day made me think of my first grade. Sounds like you did have a great day and some great ideas for future days. We cannot wait to hear more.....love you, Dad