27 August 2007

desk cubbies, arechaga betchaga, basal readers and COSTCO

More than an adjustment to the grade level change, I think it is hard to start working in a new place. Balsz doesn't feel right just yet. I love the kids and I even feel like I have connected in a professional way with some of the people on my team but I still don't just LOVE going to work like I did at Griffith. In fact, I find it lonely and a little bit like a prison.

One of my adorable students refers to the space under the desk as his desk cubby. Naturally, our whole class calls them that now and he thinks that is the greatest thing ever. On Thursday we had a picnic in our room which was so much fun. I think I want to make it a weekly thing for a while. It was a good "team building" activity.

Friday was an inservice day. Boring. We have this stupid arechaga betchaga women that comes and talks to us about how to teach our kids literacy. Her name is debbie arechaga but she told that cute little rhyme and it is all I can think about now. So, that was really useless of course. I don't even really understand what this women's job description would be. Why, if she is such a great teacher, isn't she still in the classroom?? After all of that, we had to meet as a grade level which always takes forever and I didn't even get a chance to work in my room until way late. I ended up staying way later than I wanted to so that was terrible.

This weekend though, we joined COSTCO!!! Hooray! Giant yogurt whenever I want.

Today felt good. Things clicked really well during reader's workshop which is good because I tried some new things.

Miss Bee


Unknown said...

hey Lez, sounds like you and Mom like in service stuff quite a lot. I am happy you like te kids though as that is the most important. Is the giant yogurt on a cone? is costco close to your place?

Miss Bee said...

No, just a giant cup! And you can get twist!!