11 October 2010

October 10 and 11

In honor of vegetarian month we are cooking a meatless meal every night of October. Haha...get it...we always cook vegetarian meals. Anyway, bad jokes aside, we have had two AWESOME meals this week and it is only Monday. Last night we had paella with wild rice which to Seinfeld fans should conjure up memories of Mrs. Costanza (What am I gonna do with all this paella?). Tonight we had one of my favorite things, fritatta. Mmm I love it! It all started with a Veggie Times recipe with grape tomatoes and potatoes and from there I was hooked. It is good cold or hot, right off the skillet or the next day for lunch. This one was really tasty because it had crispy red onions and quinoa which ended up getting toasted while the eggs cooked. If you haven't made fritatta before, you must start. It will change your life. The only important thing is making sure you have enough courage to get the thing flipped. I recommend putting a plate on top of your frying pan and then turning the whole thing over before sliding it back in to brown the other side.
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1 comment:

Wayne Bretski said...

I put some relevant clips on my blob.