25 June 2008

Giant Pandas Evacuated in China

Earthquakes. One more thing endangering the lives of these beautiful animals. I saw one once in a zoo. She had two adorable babies too. It was awesome. Unfortunately it was in the days before digital cameras so I can't share my pictures of the giant panda. Maybe someday I will see one again.

Now might be a good time to mention that I love my National Geographic subscription. Mr. S. got it for me for my birthday. This month's issue is all about gorillas in Virunga Nat'l Park, Africa. These poor creatures are caught in the middle of humans hating humans and deforestation of their habitat for the illegal charcoal trade. The poor rangers who try to protect them are murdered and now, so are the gorillas. To see pictures of the gorillas click here. (And by here I mean where it says here the first time. I am paranoid that people don't see my links so if you are out there and you see them, let me know.) If you would like to read about them, click here. That article is a wee bit long but it is interesting and it will probably make you want to quit your job and do something to help animals instead.

One more day of 4 year olds.
Miss Bee

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