29 April 2008

The Future!

I was watching my class today and just reflecting on how far they have come. A week or so after winter break, I tore down the poster I was using to keep track of the "points." My heart just wasn't in it anymore. I didn't feel like my consequences were logical, I couldn't be consistent enough in the way I took points, and I just didn't think the kids were improving their behavior and I think it was mostly my fault. So now when kids do things we talk about it; either as a class or one on one. When a group of students isn't listening when we are having a class discussion or a read aloud, I stop and address it kind of like this- "Wow, I'm sure you boys weren't being rude on purpose but talking while someone else is trying to is not very polite. Why don't we do that class?" Discussion ensues. And I am not kidding it works. I see the kids improving their behavior and encouraging their classmates to do so as well. I actually hear kids say to each other, "will you please be quiet?" That is the kind of behavior I want to see, not kids trying to be good so they can get a cheesy prize on Friday. All that being said, there are days I pull my hair out but I try to just stay patient.

Seeing the way that kids responded to that kind of teaching had a big impression on me. Obviously I didn't think this up on my own. I am reading a wonderful book right now called Reading for Meaning by Debbie Miller. Wow, she is an amazing teacher. I highly, highly recommend it to any primary teacher.

Remember, teachers, keep on smiling!
Miss Bee

1 comment:

KB said...

Cheesy prizes like many many things in life are over rated!!!!!!
