22 October 2007

Planning Breakthrough

Well, Friday I stayed at school until 6:00, but pretty much everything is ready for this week. I like it so far. I cleaned the room after school, made a few left-over copies, and was out of there by 3:30. This weekend, I did the reading planning for the following week so hopefully, I will be able to do the same thing this Thursday or Friday.

Today the class seemed really subdued. They were quiet during journals, really cooperative during reading, and things ran very smoothly this morning. Then recess hit and something snapped. Or maybe the kids finally up from their sugar induced weekend sleepiness. The afternoon seemed like a struggle. I think I need to get them moving around more in math like I do in reading. I tried to plan some fun things for the week so we will see how it goes. I have given some thought to taking them outside and having them practice counting to 100 by doing 100 jumping jacks. That should tire them out. I have some partner work planned for later in the week and those kinds of math activities are usually successful.

Centers continue to be a hit. Today the art center group, three boys, did not clean up well but once I sent them back they made it spotless. One of my students made a hilarious picture to go with her short u phrase the duck is in the bus. Maybe I will take a picture of it and post it tomorrow.

Oh, and I need to work on dismissal procedures. I am going to ask for some advice I think. It just doesn't always go as well as I want it to.

Ms. Bee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Lezzz; Sent you a surprise in mail yesterday....be looking for it! Sounds like you had a good day yesterday, I think the outside stuff sounds like a good idea, but not for Iowans as it was 35 degrees this AM heading for a high of 64. Oh well.......love you